2020 Summer Workshop cancellation

Beth Mashall
Dear KEMPA members,
After careful consideration, the KEMPA Board of Directors has decided to cancel the Summer Journalism Workshop (SJW) at Marquette University this summer. We share in everyone’s disappointment during this trying time. We plan to offer the Summer Journalism Workshop again in 2021. And once we are able to meet face-to-face again, we would love to schedule a Day Workshop at your school for you and your students. We would also like you to mark your calendar for our Fall Conference at UW-Whitewater on Friday, October 16, 2020.
If you are looking for some resources during remote teaching, I suggest that you look into some of the following websites:
- PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Labs: https://studentreportinglabs.org/
- Student Press Law Center: https://splc.org/
- JEA Curriculum: http://jea.org/wp/ (JEA membership required to access)
- JEA Digital Media: https://www.jeadigitalmedia.org/
- National Scholastic Press Association: http://studentpress.org/nspa/
- School Journalism: https://www.schooljournalism.org/
KEMPA is looking into ways to support our members in the coming months.
Elisabeth Marshall
KEMPA Board President