The Packing List
Camp is just around the corner. Here is what you will need for camp.
- Linens: sheets, pillows, blankets
- Comfortable clothing
- Extra towels
- Extra hand soap, etc.
- Sneakers or comfortable shoes
- Laptop computer (if you have one and want to bring one)
- Portable storage device (USB flash drive)
- Digital Camera (Students in Photojournalism are required to bring a camera and SD card; all others can use mobile devices)
- Your newspaper’s stylebook (if you have one)
- One complete set of your 2018-19 newspapers/news magazines, your latest school yearbook, or links to all media
- Pens, pencils and erasers
- Notebook
Unfortunately, in the dormitory we are using, refrigerators are not provided in each room. However, you can bring snacks for your room if you wish. All of your meals are paid for and will be in the university dining hall, with the exception of your first lunch at camp on Sunday. Dinners will be catered at The Commons.
We provide you with a t-shirt for the first day of camp. The shirt will designate which KEMPA Kamp you belong.
Dress for SJW is casual – we have no strict dress code. We do expect, however, that each student’s attire will be appropriate for our learning environment. For one dinner, we will wear more formal attire.
You can check to see what the weather has been like in Milwaukee over the past couple of weeks and use that information in choosing your clothing. (Also, don’t forget to pack an umbrella — just in case!)
One more thing: some of our classrooms that are centrally air-conditioned tend to get chilly (Unfortunately, we don’t have control over classroom temperature settings.). You might want to bring a sweater along if you easily catch cold.