KEMPA Journalism

KEMPA Journalism

KEMPA Journalism

Beth Mashall

Beth Marshall, President

Beth Marshall, CJE
Individual Contests Committee
Awards Committee chair
bmarsha[email protected]

Richmond-Burton Community High School, Richmond, IL

Number of years advising: 7 years advising Yearbook, 3 years advising online news site (trying to converge the program- RB Publications)

Brief Description of your program: I have one section of Journalism that is considered an English elective offered to sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students can repeat the class and earn honors credit for Editor positions. This year I have a staff of 13 students.  We produce a 208 page yearbook and try to create monthly content online.

Best Advice or Hardest Lesson Learned: Don’t be afraid to connect with other advisers. Networking in the best thing you can do for yourself and your program.

Social Media Accounts: Instagram: rocket_review, Snapchat: rocketreview

All content by Beth Marshall