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KEMPA Journalism

KEMPA Journalism

KEMPA Journalism

Allison Johnson

Allison Johnson, Webmaster

Allison Johnson, M.Ed


[email protected] 

School Name, City and State: Harborside Academy, Kenosha, WI

Number of years advising: Three

Brief Description of your program: Yearbook Honors Elective: The publication is in its 17th year, and until recently staff was 11-12th grade. Now, The Beacon staff members typically join their sophomore year, and can take the elective multiple years. The elective is a year-long class that produces a 152-page publication covering student life from summer to March for an EL Education school. Currently, there are 18 members on staff. 

Best Advice or Hardest Lesson Learned: I’ve made mistakes with letting students have too little control over things and too much control over things, and I’m trying to use each mistake as a way to be better. 

All content by Allison Johnson